Type 3 bruker samme kaliper som boble. Ikke lenge siden jeg kjøpte skiver, klosser og lager til min Type 3. Det er vel Type 4 som er nærmere 914
Jeg var litt upresis, men mener det er noen årganger av type3 som bruker en annen type skive/caliper. Har ikke referansen foran meg nå - men fant dette kjapt på google-søk;
"Beetle calipers (40 mm pistons) are completely different from Type 3, 4 and 914/4 calipers (42 mm pistons) although some of them look somewhat similar.
Type 4 and 914/4 calipers were the same in the same years. All of them had 2 bleed valves.
Early Type 4 and 914/4 calipers are the same as late Type 3 calipers.
Late Type 4 and 914/4 calipers take thicker pads, have longer 42 mm pistons, and use a different, convoluted boot over the end of the piston. They have the same bolt pattern as the early Type 4 calipers."