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Skrevet av Emne: Looking for work/jobs in NORWAY - Can anyone out there Help (please!)  (Lest 3091 ganger)
Innlegg: 792
Bosted: Fredrikstad

You either "Get It" or you don't.....

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« på: april 13, 2011, 11:35:17 am »

Well as the title says guys........

As a few of you on here will already know I have resently moved to NORWAY to be with my Little VW Chic Maria (vwjenta) and now I really really need to find some work/job  Glad

I am a FULLY QUALIFIED engineer/mechanic and have been for more than 10 years - I started at Opel/vauxhall in the UK when I was 18 and then moved onto a Ferrari Restoration company (http://www.dkeng.co.uk/index.php) for a few years, before I left the UK I was working for a company MONKFISH PERFORMANCE (http://www.monkfishperformance.co.uk)

I have been to see all the local car dealerships/garages and given them a copy of my CV but as yet I have not heard anything back  Trist

So if ANY of you out there think you might be able to help then PLEASE drop me a line - tel: 40067168 email: lee_cooksey@yahoo.co.uk OR monki772003@yahoo.co.uk

I look forward to hearing from you  Glad
« Siste redigering: april 13, 2011, 11:39:01 am av Monkiboy » Loggført
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Innlegg: 5355
Bosted: Fornebo

Hvilken makalös manick

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« Svar #1 på: april 13, 2011, 11:51:58 am »

First off, welcome to Norway Lee.

Getting a job in Norway should be easy if you`re not picky. Getting a job as a mechanic should also be possible with your CV if it was not for the fact that there is a que of people from Poland and Lithuania wanting the same job as you. They are usually qualified, willing to go down quite a bit on their salary and work their asses of to keep their job while their waiting for the situation to improve in their home countries.

I would keep on visiting the garages / shops and do not give up! I will ask one of the guys in my garage if they need help at his work (a BMW / Opel dealer) and let you know.

Best rgs


10.41 / 1641 / 2015 - 2016.

- Det er lettere å ape enn å skape -
Eivind E
Innlegg: 529
Bosted: Oslo

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« Svar #2 på: april 13, 2011, 11:56:42 am »

You need to start your search somewhere like this:

If you do not know the language you need to use google translate and start learning the key terms in order to apply for a job, at least so that you can read the ads!

I found a few quickly (I don't have time to list all the hits..)

If you don't know the language you should make it a priority to start to learn it, as I see in some of the ads it clearly states:
"Language skills: Norwegian spoken and written." as a requirement.

Good luck Osteaktig

65 Karmann Ghia @ 2332
66 1300 @ 1914
72 Doka @ 2.4
Innlegg: 3676
Bosted: Trønder i eksil

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« Svar #3 på: april 13, 2011, 13:33:16 pm »

Have you checked in at the Hammerworks?

Innlegg: 2038
Bosted: Bergen


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« Svar #4 på: april 13, 2011, 15:21:58 pm »

Welcome to Norway, Lee!
With your experience there should be some options to choose from.

In Bergen we have a couple of "upper class" shops,
Sandven Service http://www.sandven-as.no/service-/ and
Ferdinand Motor http://www.ferdinand-motor.no/index.php?option=com_contact&catid=13&Itemid=78
Anyway I guess it's not that easy if you stay in Fredrikstad?

Hope it works out for you!
Innlegg: 792
Bosted: Fredrikstad

You either "Get It" or you don't.....

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« Svar #5 på: april 13, 2011, 19:36:59 pm »

Hey "Splitman" I am planning a visit to Hammer works VERY soon  Blunker

And Thankyou for the Welcome "Beetlebug" I told you I might move here one day hehehehe I'll give you a call soon  Glad

As for the language thing I am in the middle of a Norskkurs as we speak (done approx 12hrs so far) I am starting to get the hang of it  Osteaktig

I have been looking around on the net but I thought I'd see if anyone in the "VW community" could help - I am based in Fredrikstad by the way guys  Glad
Innlegg: 136
Bosted: Ved en fjord i nord

Det du eier det eier deg!

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« Svar #6 på: april 13, 2011, 20:25:32 pm »

Try this one, picked up from the norwegian Alfa Romeo club (I won't translate it for you as already said by someone else, you have to at least understand some norwegian):

  Stilling ledig hos Jacob's Auto-Supply AS
« på: 07. April 2011, 14:38:55 »   


Stilling ledig - vikariat med muligheter for fast ansettelse.

En av våre medarbeidere skal ut i pappa perm, og vi trenger derfor en vikar i hans stilling (primært sjåfør). Vikariatet starter allerede ca 15/5-2011 og varer ut august måned. Det kan nevnes at vi er i prosessen med å lansere en ny nettbutikk for våre varer, og med denne nettbutikken kommer nye utfordringer til vårt firma, så forlengelse av vikariatet (overgang til fast stilling) kan være aktuelt.

Hvem er vi?

Jacob’s Auto-Supply AS er et firma som har vært i bransjen i over 20 år nå. Vi driver med kjøp og salg av bildeler og service til våre kunder er høyt prioritert i vårt firma. Jacob’s Auto-Supply handler både lokalt og har også import av varer fra flere leverandører i utlandet, dette gjør at vi har en meget variert hverdag. Vi selger til private, og til firmaer og har egen distribusjon til lokale verksteder og bilforhandlere i vårt nærområde. Vi holder til i sentrale lokaler i Brynsveien 2-4 på Oslos østkant. Arbeidstiden er i fra 08.00 – 16.00 mandag til fredag. Evt noen ekstratimer og lørdagsjobbing kan bli aktuelt på et senere tidspunkt.


Søkeren må ha interesse for bil og gjerne kunnskap om bilens oppbygning. Søkeren MÅ ha førerkort klasse B (vanlig bil) og kunne snakke og skrive godt norsk. Søkeren må være ryddig og trives i et tidvis hektisk miljø, og være service innstillt ovenfor våre kunder. Søkeren bør sende oss en utfyllt CV med tidligere erfaringer og med utfylte referanser (disse vil bli sjekket).

Søknaden sendes til vår daglige leder Jacob Kielland på e-post jacob@auto-supply.no eller via post til:

Jacob’s Auto-Supply AS
Brynsveien 2-4
0667 Oslo

Då e' deinn 69-modellen berga frå rampen :-)
Det italofile med twin og aluminium hører et annet forum til!
Formula Vee
Innlegg: 6755
Bosted: Stavanger

:: DKL ::

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« Svar #7 på: april 16, 2011, 12:08:21 pm »

Hi. welcome to nårvei.  Blunker
How about starting your own business? Do you also have financial skills? Or maybe vvwjenta?

SCC 2015 broken transmission barely left startline.
SCC 2016 broken engine never made it to startline.
SCC 2017 broken wallet made 12.223/191kmt
SCC 2019 broken record made 10.423/208kmt -and sold the car.

Innlegg: 441
Bosted: Ytre Øst


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« Svar #8 på: april 20, 2011, 09:07:42 am »

Off topic:

I believe you live just up the street from me.
You are most welcome for a cup of coffe and a look in the garage  Kult

Just send me a pm  Blunker


My religion is kindness
Innlegg: 792
Bosted: Fredrikstad

You either "Get It" or you don't.....

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« Svar #9 på: april 24, 2011, 06:56:42 am »

Off topic:

I believe you live just up the street from me.
You are most welcome for a cup of coffe and a look in the garage  Kult

Just send me a pm  Blunker


Hey dude - I'm living on lislebyviene just off the 109

You don't happen to drive a white 65/66 do you Hæ I'll drop you a PM soon and pop down for a coffee and a chat  Kult
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